Peterborough and Nene Valley Athletics Club compete in local and national leagues in track and field, road and cross country. These involve athletes in every age group from under 13s upwards. We offer a warm welcome to all levels of athletes, including beginners and children. If you would like any further information - or you are are considering coming along - send us a message via our contact form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible, preferably by phone.
Membership 2025-2026
Membership renewals are now due! The membership year starts on 1 March and forms are available here. Forms are also available in the clubhouse on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For those members based in Boston or if you are unable to get to the track please download and complete the form, and email to our Membership Secretary
Latest Peterborough and Nene Valley AC newsletter
Catch-up with the latest newsletter (18.2.25)
Latest news
Good luck to everyone competing in the National Cross Country on Saturday. As you know, it takes place at the iconic venue of Parliament Hill Fields and will surely produce some amazing performances. And good luck to everyone competing in the British Masters' indoor champs just a few miles away in Lee Valley. That too promises to be a fascinating two days and surely will see us grab a few medals! Watch this space...
Join us on Facebook
Join us on Facebook and stay up to date with day-to-day club activity, as well as communicate with other club members.
Key events for the coming few weeks
Saturday 22nd February, National XC, Parliament Hill Fields
Sunday 2nd March, Frostbite League, Jubilee Park
Sunday 2nd March, Frostbite League, Jubilee Park